Saturday, July 9, 2011

To show off the belly or not?

Now that summer is officially in full gear, and I'm not quite big enough to be mistaken for a beached whale yet, the dilemma of maternity swimsuits is here. I can't seem to find any one-piece or even tankini swimsuits that aren't completely cheesy looking. If I go to splash in the kiddy pool with my 6 year old in our backyard or lounge on the hammock, I wear my original, pre-pregnancy bikinis. I can do this in our backyard... but at the beach? I'm not sure if people will find it offensive or even inappropriate. Although my swimsuits are two pieces, they aren't trashy! Keeping that in mind, I do still worry about getting dirty looks if I go to the beach and wear a two piece with my bump sticking out.

After looking around on the web for this, I came across a website that showed a ton of celebrities wearing bikinis while pregnant. Personally, I'm proud of my baby belly and I actually think it's cute! I don't mind the way I look in my bikini. I think if I was bigger it might be different, but right now I'm at the stage where I am obviously pregnant, but not huuuge yet.

Check this out!
"10 Celeb Moms Who've Rocked a Bikini While Pregnant"


What does everyone else think about a pregnant lady in a bikini? I'd like to hear your opinions!

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