Friday, July 1, 2011

Oh, dear heartburn...

So I'm still awake and unable to sleep (1am), hubby is working his overnight shift and the little one is obviously already asleep.  I'm currently in my third trimester of my second pregnancy, and as many of you know, this is the time when the body aches really come on strong, and indigestion / heartburn is at its worst.  Natural remedies for heartburn, please??  Anyone??  Tums don't work for me, and I prefer not to take meds usually anyway unless it's really really necessary.  Doc said Zantac is also fine, but meh... I suppose I'll stick it out for now until I see smoke coming from my throat.  This is a minor (and temporary) discomfort for me, not a life or death situation.

Buuuuut.... I just read about "The Miracle Ball Method for Pregnancy" and I'm interested in trying it out.  Has anyone used this and had success?  Did it help with any of these terrible side-effects wonderful joys of pregnancy? I thought of this because I remembered that I had read somewhere that it is meant to help with indigestion as well as all of the other common complaints of pregnancy, and helps with regaining your shape after delivery as well.  If anyone has used this, please let me know whether you loved or hated it!  I will probably still purchase it because I'm stubborn and tend to want to "see for myself" with these types of things, but opinions would be helpful!  If and when I purchase it and use it, I will update with my personal review for those of you who were also curious about it.  I'm going to go searching and compare prices now...

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